How Obelix Fall Into The Magic Potion When He Was A Little Boy.
Edisi ini adalah edisi yang "harus dibaca" oleh penggemar Asterix. Cerita itu tentang bagaimana Obelix bisa menjadi seorang bangsa Gaul yang sangat kuat. Cerita dimulai ketika mereka masih anak-anak, bagaimana Obelix yang sedikit "bodoh" diejek oleh teman-teman mereka tapi kemudian ada Asterix yang selalu menjaganya. Dengan niat ingin memberikan pelajaran kepada teman-teman mereka, Asterix mengajak Obelix untuk mencoba setetes ramuan ajaib, tapi kemudian apa yang terjadi? Baca cerita lengkap di edisi ini……………….
How Obelix Fall Into The Magic Potion When He Was A Little Boy.
This edition was the “must be read” edition by the Asterix’s fans. The story was about how could Obelix become a very strong Gaul. The story started when they were children, how Obelix who is a bit "stupid" was mocked by their friends but then there was Asterix who always look after him. In order to give a lesson to their friend, Asterix asked out Obelix to try a drop of magic potion, but then what happened? Read the complete story in this edition…………
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